1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
//! # DataViz Library
//! **DataViz** is a versatile and modular Rust library for creating and managing a wide variety of charts and graphs.
//! Designed with flexibility and extensibility in mind, DataViz provides a powerful API for data visualization,
//! supporting different chart types, customization options, and interactive features.
//! ## Features
//! - **Comprehensive Chart Types**: Support for bar charts, scatter graphs, pie charts, histograms, area charts, and Cartesian graphs.
//! - **Data Management**: Modular datasets for structured and reusable data handling.
//! - **Customizable Renderers**: Drawers for rendering charts on pixel-based or vector-based canvases.
//! - **Scalable Configuration**: Centralized figure configuration for appearance settings, including fonts, colors, and grid styles.
//! - **Interactive Capabilities**: Hover-based interactivity to enhance user experience with dynamic updates and tooltips.
//! ## Modules
//! DataViz is organized into a set of modules that define the core components of the library:
//! ### [`figure`]
//! The main module that houses all types of charts and graphs. It includes:
//! - **Chart Types**:
//! - [`areachart`](crate::figure::figuretypes::areachart): Create area charts for visualizing data trends.
//! - [`cartesiangraph`](crate::figure::figuretypes::cartesiangraph): Cartesian graphs for mathematical and data plotting.
//! - [`groupbarchart`](crate::figure::figuretypes::groupbarchart): Grouped bar charts for comparative data visualization.
//! - [`histogram`](crate::figure::figuretypes::histogram): Histograms for frequency distribution analysis.
//! - [`piechart`](crate::figure::figuretypes::piechart): Pie charts for proportional data representation.
//! - [`quadrant1graph`](crate::figure::figuretypes::quadrant1graph): Graphs restricted to the first quadrant.
//! - [`scattergraph`](crate::figure::figuretypes::scattergraph): Scatter plots for individual data point visualization.
//! ## Datasets
//! Defines reusable and modular datasets for different chart types, enabling structured data representation. Includes:
//! - [`areachartdataset`](crate::figure::datasets::areachartdataset)
//! - [`bardataset`](crate::figure::datasets::bardataset)
//! - [`cartesiangraphdataset`](crate::figure::datasets::cartesiangraphdataset)
//! - [`scattergraphdataset`](crate::figure::datasets::scattergraphdataset)
//! - [`dataset`](crate::figure::datasets::dataset): Common dataset traits for unifying data operations.
//! ## Drawers
//! Provides customizable renderers for each chart type. Drawers allow charts to be rendered on various canvases,
//! such as pixel-based or vector-based canvases. Includes:
//! - [`drawer`](crate::figure::drawers::drawer): Core drawing functionality.
//! - Specialized drawers for specific chart types like:
//! - [`drawerareachart`](crate::figure::drawers::drawerareachart)
//! - [`drawerbarchart`](crate::figure::drawers::drawerbarchart)
//! - [`drawerpiechart`](crate::figure::drawers::drawerpiechart), and more.
//! ## Utilities
//! Utility modules for managing chart attributes and behaviors. Includes:
//! - [`axistype`](crate::figure::utilities::axistype): Enum for axis types (X or Y).
//! - [`linetype`](crate::figure::utilities::linetype): Styles for chart lines (solid, dashed, dotted).
//! - [`orientation`](crate::figure::utilities::orientation): Orientation handling (horizontal or vertical).
//! - [`scatterdottype`](crate::figure::utilities::scatterdottype): Dot styles for scatter plots (circle, square, triangle, etc.).
//! ## Configuration
//! Centralized configuration for charts, providing a single source for appearance settings. Includes:
//! - [`figureconfig`](crate::figure::configuration::figureconfig): Control colors, fonts, grid settings, and more.
//! ## Canvas
//! Abstractions for rendering surfaces, including:
//! - [`pixelcanvas`](crate::figure::canvas::pixelcanvas): Raster-based rendering for charts.
//! - [`svgcanvas`](crate::figure::canvas::svgcanvas): Scalable vector graphics rendering for high-quality outputs.
//! ## Display
//! Modules for interactivity and display management. Includes:
//! - Hover functionality for charts like:
//! - [`hovercartesian`](crate::figure::display::hovercartesian)
//! - [`hoverpiechart`](crate::figure::display::hoverpiechart), and more.
//! - [`winop`](crate::figure::display::winop): Manage window operations for interactive displays.
//! ## Getting Started
//! Here's a quick example of creating and rendering a pie chart:
//! ```rust
//! use dataviz::figure::figuretypes::piechart::PieChart;
//! use dataviz::figure::configuration::figureconfig::FigureConfig;
//! let mut pie_chart = PieChart::new("Market Share", FigureConfig::default());
//! pie_chart.add_slice("Product A", 40.0, [255, 0, 0]);
//! pie_chart.add_slice("Product B", 30.0, [0, 255, 0]);
//! pie_chart.add_slice("Product C", 30.0, [0, 0, 255]);
//! // Render the pie chart
//! pie_chart.draw();
//! ```
//! ## License
//! DataViz is open-source and licensed under the MIT license. Contributions are welcome!
pub mod figure {
pub mod figuretypes {
pub mod areachart;
pub mod cartesiangraph;
pub mod groupbarchart;
pub mod histogram;
pub mod piechart;
pub mod quadrant1graph;
pub mod scattergraph;
pub mod datasets {
pub mod areachartdataset;
pub mod bardataset;
pub mod cartesiangraphdataset;
pub mod dataset;
pub mod scattergraphdataset;
pub mod drawers {
pub mod drawer;
pub mod drawerareachart;
pub mod drawerbarchart;
pub mod drawercartesiangraph;
pub mod drawerhistogram;
pub mod drawerpiechart;
pub mod drawerquadrant1graph;
pub mod drawerscattergraph;
pub mod utilities {
pub mod axistype;
pub mod linetype;
pub mod orientation;
pub mod scatterdottype;
pub mod configuration {
pub mod figureconfig;
pub mod canvas {
pub mod pixelcanvas;
pub mod svgcanvas;
pub mod display {
pub mod hover;
pub mod hovercartesian;
pub mod hovergroupbarchart;
pub mod hoverhistogram;
pub mod hoverpiechart;
pub mod hoverscatterchart;
pub mod winop;
pub mod figurefactory;